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Showing posts from 2017

What Would Isaiah Say?

As I consider the times in which we live, I find myself wondering what the prophets of old are thinking as they are surely watching many of their prophecies in the process of fulfillment. What would they say if they were among us? Here are some possibilities: Wo unto you Scribes, Pharisees, Hypocrites - who share not your riches with the poor, supposing they hath brought their circumstances upon themselves, and judgment has been dealt fairly upon them. Are ye not all beggars before me, and have ye not brought upon you your own condemnation through your sins? Wo unto you Hypocrites - who despise men which defile their outward appearance with tattoos and piercings, while ye defile yourselves with lusts, pornography, and unrighteous judgments. Know ye that I the Lord looketh not on the outward appearance, but upon the heart? Wo unto you Hypocrites - who claim to be the children of many generations of Saints in the Restoration. Are ye counted righteous because of their sacri...

Attaining Terrestrial Glory

I love truth. I have no use for fallacy in my life, unless it creates an obvious contrast to truth, and exposes itself and truth in a more illuminated and pronounced way. In the quest for truth finding I have always used the doctrines of the gospel contained in holy scripture, assisted by the remarks of modern inspired leaders.  As I have learned to drink deeply from the scriptures over the last several years, I have gained a true and steady friend in these books we call canon. They are a friend that has come to my rescue many times when I needed information, and comfort, and a friend I will continue to turn to. But in turning to this friend so often, I have begun to realize what has been happening all these years - this friend has really been trying to introduce me to someone else who can do a better job teaching and comforting. Where prophets of old have been limited in their abilities to write and convey complete understanding on the various topics we call doctrines, the ...

Giving and Taking - My Prayer

There are two kinds of life giving. The first is in selfishness, and the second is in selflessness. Giving life in selfishness is centered on a perpetual cycle of introversion. Their first breath was given to them by two who gave them matter, and their Maker who gave them life - a gift they received .  Then once indoctrinated in the ways of the material they came from, the pure giving they learned from others turns to a vile form of giving of their own making. The eyes of its possessor look to the tangible world in pursuit of the next stimulus, which heightened experience will take place entirely within themselves, and entirely alone.  These give their lives to themselves and are really takers . Some of them take for so long insatiably seeking gratification, when the true satisfaction in which they seek and are completely unacquainted with can come only from true giving .  Ironically, many of these ultimately give the one and only thing they have ...

Unity of Heart and Mind (Written in 2013, but never published)

I've noticed a pattern in any kind of frustration that I've ever experienced. It's an amazing discovery because when patterns are found in problems it is easier to find solutions for them - and I believe I have a solution to frustration or anxiety of any kind. It comes from an understanding of our hearts, minds, and will power. My eight year old came home one day from school with a book about idioms. He died laughing as he read the text and looked at the artists’ literal interpretation of the idioms contained in the book. You might imagine the literal cartoons that would go along with figurative expressions like ‘I laughed my heart out’, or ‘keep your eye on the ball’. Everyone in the family thought the book was very entertaining, and we still find that the images come back to our minds when we hear certain idioms. But I have since come to recognize the frequent use of idioms in American vernacular and now appreciate them for more than their entertainment value. Idioms ...