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Attaining Terrestrial Glory

I love truth. I have no use for fallacy in my life, unless it creates an obvious contrast to truth, and exposes itself and truth in a more illuminated and pronounced way. In the quest for truth finding I have always used the doctrines of the gospel contained in holy scripture, assisted by the remarks of modern inspired leaders. 

As I have learned to drink deeply from the scriptures over the last several years, I have gained a true and steady friend in these books we call canon. They are a friend that has come to my rescue many times when I needed information, and comfort, and a friend I will continue to turn to.

But in turning to this friend so often, I have begun to realize what has been happening all these years - this friend has really been trying to introduce me to someone else who can do a better job teaching and comforting.

Where prophets of old have been limited in their abilities to write and convey complete understanding on the various topics we call doctrines, the Holy Ghost has no limitations. I now see that every good experience I ever had in the scriptures was accompanied by this more superior friend, The Comforter, and the Great Testator.

In the last year I have been taught a few precious doctrines of the gospel that are not described in fullness, or even at all in the scriptures. And so I now find myself in a peculiar position as a blogger who has always tried to confirm my writings with scripture, to now write about doctrines that have no support by an appeal to the canon I have always used as my doctrinal foundation. I don't feel like it is my place to testify of those doctrines, but I do feel I can testify of the ability we each have to receive such doctrines by the spirit.

First, Joseph Smith comes to mind as one who knows perfectly what I have experienced:
"Many men will say I will never forsake you, but will stand by you at all times, but the moment you teach them some of the revelations of the kingdom of God that are retained in the heavens and are to be revealed to the children of men when they are prepared for them, they will be the first to stone you and put you to death."
"Would to God, brethren, I could tell you who I am! would to God I could tell you what I know! but you would call it blasphemy, and there are men on this stand who would want to take my life." - Joseph Smith; Life of Heber C. Kimball, p.33
I've often wondered what it was he knew that would cause the apostles serving with him to want to kill him. As I have been taught by the spirit some of those things which are not contained in scripture, I have a pretty good idea at least what some of those things are.

Article of faith #9 is also doctrinal support for the idea that we in Christ's Church do not have a fullness of doctrine:
“We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” —Articles of Faith 1:9
We also have the remarkable revelation given to Joseph Smith in the Olive Leaf, "plucked from the tree of paradise" - Doctrine and Covenants 88. In this section of scripture we are taught that there are different degrees of glory (and therefore light and knowledge) associated with each kingdom of glory.
"And also they who are quickened by a portion of the telestial glory shall then receive of the same, even a fulness...And there are many kingdoms; for there is no space in the which there is no kingdom; and there is no kingdom in which there is no space, either a greater or a lesser kingdom. And unto every kingdom is given a law; and unto every law there are certain bounds also and conditions." - Doctrine and covenants 88: 31, 37-38.
I take this to mean that if we are living in the Telestial Kingdom, then we are largely limited to a Telestial level of light and understanding.

As this world is advancing toward a Terrestrial level of glory in preparation of the Second Coming of our Savior Jesus Christ, it appears that there are many Telestial beings who are beginning to receive Terrestrial light and knowledge. Therefore it stands to reason that our scriptures, written by wonderfully inspired Telestial beings, contain the fullness of a Telestial gospel, but do not contain the mysteries of a Terrestrial kingdom. This is probably why so many of them said the spirit stopped them from writing more.

This is just as it should be. The leaders of the LDS church have perfected the responsibility of teaching Telestial doctrines from the Telestial pulpits in Salt Lake City, and on down to every chapel dotting the Telestial earth. It would present a challenge to Telestial saints worldwide to lecture at a Terrestrial or Celestial level of light and knowledge, and would bring undue accountability and condemnation upon their souls.

Meanwhile, those who have rejoiced in Telestial doctrines but hunger and thirst after a Terrestrial menu are left un-satiated, and with nowhere to turn to satisfy their appetite than direct communication from divine beings of a higher degree of glory than the Telestial Kingdom; or in my case, the Holy Ghost.

Oh, to hear about the higher laws from a pulpit of the church I know is true, but is consigned to teach at the level of its milk-drinking members. Oh, to hear of total consecration to God and his children! Oh, to have an ordained office holding servant of the Lord witness and instruct on matters pertaining to the Higher laws of the gospel, celestial marriage; multiple probations, eternal progression, and spiritual advancement beyond the Telestial world; spiritual warfare and how to properly combat the adversary; and the true power of creation, among many other truths we do not now understand.

"But behold, I am consigned that these are my days, and that my soul shall be filled with sorrow..." (Helaman 7:9).

I look forward with great earnestness to the day inspired leaders of Christ's kingdom (the Terrestrial Church of the Firstborn) can preach the fullness of the gospel without reservation from the pulpits of his church, and more importantly, that those listening will rejoice in those truths as I do.


  1. Eric,
    as a fellow blogger I do appreciate your post and mission. I've been on a similar journey lately. I guess what you have learned is related to the items mentioned in the penultimate paragraph. Glorious truths !

    It is true that it is not always appropriate to share those things in public but I wish I had more friends with whom I could talk about those things...

    1. Thanks Pierrick. Please submit a link to your blog! I am always eager to discuss :-).

      in french ;)

    3. Googling penultimate definition now...

    4. Diana... I had to do the same thing ;-)

  2. Beautiful Eric. I feel your pain.

  3. unsatisfied is a very good word to describe the feeling, but then somehow He,who knows our hearts and thoughts, begins to enlighten us...and what a wonderful feeling it is to be fed by the Spirit

  4. Eric, I just wanted to let you know that late last night my husband and I listened to your podcast on Julie's show about understanding NDE's and accompanying literature. I have been fascinated by them myself since a child and have been able to feel the sincerity and Spirit of the Lord in most published accounts. My husband has struggled with them to a certain degree and understanding their place in the restored gospel and the organization of the church. He is not a big studier so her often relies on the hearsay of others' experience, or comments. Your presentation was most helpful for him. He could listen to your testimony as you addressed point for point many of the things about them he has been considering himself. While generally receptive to the message that we are near to a specific time of tribulations, detailed messages from Julie and others test his faith. After listening we were really able to have a good discussion and I believe now some of the negativity (and fear of relying on something not of God) can be replaced by more understanding. Thank you so much. That is a big deal for me. I enjoy the podcasts, especially with a trusted and consistent interviewer/sidekick format. It keeps the message's calming theme and thus the Spirit of Julie's message more how I believe she feels comfortable with.
    -Shannon Sipe in South Jordan

    1. Shannon, your comment means a lot to me. I know the struggle can be real, and I feel for your husband, and for you. I have learned the Lord has it in mind to test us and to cause us to struggle a bit for our eternal progression. I'm seeing more and more how important our continual growth is to Him. Hoping for the best for both of you! I'd love an update sometime if you ever think of it?
      media (at) geosmithmapping .com
      - Trusted Sidekick (Love that!)

  5. Eric,
    This is my first visit to your blog and the first thing I have read. I feel your sincere spirit and feel the same way regarding the higher doctrines. I wish we could discuss openly some of the terrestrial doctrines you eluded to. It sounds like you are familiar with what I call the doctrine of eternal lives. This along with many truths that branch out from it are taught by the Spirit and answer many questions of deep import.
    Thank you for your knowledge and the sharing of it.

    1. Thanks Jeff. If you have time, can you send me an email? Maybe we can discuss a few things?
      media (at) geosmithmapping .com

  6. I love this essay by Wallace Goddard that reiterates your point at the beginning of your blog:

    1. That was a great read, Lorena. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Dear Eric
    .I love your blog and your voice with JULIE.I HAVE studied the " mysteries" for years and long to sit in the church of the first born and be taught from the school of Celestial doctrine

  8. Hi Eric! I have enjoyed listening to all your podcasts but was confused by your last one and hoping to receive clarification as I don't believe I properly understood what you were trying to say. In discussing the difference between the doctrine of salvation and the doctrine of exaltation you both shared that exaltation is eternal lives but that the doctrine of salvation as taught by the church is the joining of the spirit and body never to be separated again. My question is, if we are permanently joined to our body as one soul how can we then receive exaltation if this involves receiving different bodies and repeating mortality? Also, if we receive sealing ordinances during different probations would both spouses then not be sealed to different people and to multiple families? I'm hoping you are able to add further clarification as this is a very new and confusing concept to me (and can also understand the initial difficulty you had with it as I share many of your feelings, by which I can understand why this is not publicly taught at this time).


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