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Fringe Doctrine

Over the last several months as I have been interviewed by ecclesiastical leaders and administrative staff at Brigham Young University Idaho, where I work, I have often heard the phrase fringe doctrine used. I became curious to see if there were times in history when doctrines were taught which apparently seemed controversial, but were nevertheless true. I was happy to find without much effort that such has often been the case.

Those periods when fringe doctrine seemed to enter public discourse occurred between transitions when one law became fulfilled, and another law became operative. Those various stages of law can be thought of as the same as the word dispensation. It may also be appropriate to use the word church for those distinct but still connected stages of God's Kingdom.

The first dispensation belonged to Adam, who walked and talked with God, and who was given the gospel by divine messengers. If Adam's time period were considered a kingdom of God, then it stands to reason that Adam was therefore a King. Noah led the next dispensation, which was followed by the dispensation of Moses. While the scriptures do not refer to these men as kings, that title is inherent given the nature of governance in both spiritual and temporal matters. Having said that, it is always implied that the one true king is God the Father, or His son Jesus Christ, who Isaiah referred to as the King of Kings (Isaiah 9:6). In one sense, that means Christ is the king over all other kings.

While it isn't explicitly mentioned as a fringe doctrine between Noah's church and Moses' church, things like exercising discipline as an eye for an eye, or a tooth for a tooth, may have been fringe doctrines to Noah, but were yet part of the new Law given to Moses.

The more obvious fringe doctrines transpired between the dispensation of Moses, and when Christ began his ministry. The LDS chapter heading for the book of Matthew chapter 5 explicitly states that the Sermon on the Mount transcends many parts of the Law of Moses. The Savior often told his followers that he didn't come to destroy the Law, but came to fulfill it, and in so doing, raise the doctrinal bar and taught fringe doctrines that would become The New Testament.

Ultimately, those fringe doctrines led to his own persecution, and that of his followers; it led to their excommunications, and executions in some cases. In the Savior's case, the doctrine that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb who would atone for sin, as well as his divine sonship are obvious examples where his persecutors were simply not ready for higher laws and fringe doctrines. He brought them all the same, and the Kingdom expanded.Those fringe ideas to Judaism, became fundamental basics of Christianity as it later came to be known.

And so, Christianity grew for nearly two millennia, until the Lord saw fit to enlarge his kingdom once again. Joseph Smith is the prophet of that dispensation. As with the previous dispensation, he brought forth scripture containing and substantiating the fringe doctrines of the new Kingdom.

Those doctrines include the higher but not complete law of marriage referred to as polygamy. He taught vicarious ordinances could be performed on behalf of our deceased ancestors; and was evidence himself that God does in fact call and ordain prophets in the latter-days, and that revelation does in fact take place between heaven and earth. His teachings drew the same persecution as in previous dispensations, which led he and many other faithful saints to become martyrs for the Kingdom.

At the time of this writing, we are only a few months away from the 200th anniversary of Joseph's first divine encounter and the organization of this current Kingdom of God on the earth. One of the principles Joseph taught was that God would yet reveal many great and important truths pertaining to the Kingdom of God (article 9). Modern day prophet Russell M. Nelson reaffirms that belief stating that we've only seen the beginning of the restoration and, "there is much more to come" (church newsroom).

As the Second Coming of our Savior approaches, we still find ourselves in a Telestial world, living Telestial laws unfit to welcome an exalted King to rule for a thousand years during the Millennium. Activity rates in churches, and even just the plain overall level of unification are evidence that we are not one in heart, mind, and body as is also required of Terrestrial cities like Enoch, and Melchizedek.

The scriptures are full of doctrines and principles that are seldom if ever taught from pulpits of the church, which are key to ushering in the next dispensation. One basic doctrinal experience many members of the church have, but may not have any idea what it's purpose is, is the ordinance of Initiatory. A question many might ask is to what they are being initiated into? There are also a number of doctrines that have not been taught but will become basic doctrines of the next Kingdom run by the Davidic Servants and which will be called The Church of the Firstborn. Only in understanding this next dispensation and kingdom of God, can current members truly understand what their initiatory ordinance is initiating them into.

That great period of ascension referred to by prophets of old in preparation of His return has commenced. Members of the current kingdom stand at the brink of shifting laws much like the Christians just before the restoration of the gospel in latter-days. Or, we are much like the Jews who were not ready for the higher laws of Christianity, though as was the case then, their will be a much prophesied of remnant who survive upcoming calamities and make the transition.

My plea is that all in the current Kingdom referred to as Jews, Christians, and Latter-day Saints, and even as many as possible from other faiths or no faith at all will make this transition.

The following graphic and YouTube presentation serve as visual illustrations of the doctrines taught in this blog post. Please feel free to print, share, and discuss as you are prompted by the Holy Spirit.


  1. I have been wondering how long it would take before the you would be "called in" for publishing fringe doctrines and associating with and promoting apostates. I hope that these administrators and ecclesiastical leaders have been listening to President Nelson and the holy Spirit so their hearts are being softened. Unfortunately, there are still many who are steeped in the hard line traditions of Elder McConkie who pushed to discipline those who dared to speak or think about anything that wasn't first cleared by the brethern or published in the official church publications. I pray for you brother, and for everyone else who is seeking to be taught by the Lord himself.

    1. Elder McConkie was one of the greatest Apostles of this dispensation and has done much to further the Lord's work. He spoke on many things that others would not talk about, such as the doctrines of Calling and Election, the Second Comforter, and personal revelation in general. He was called in many times by the First presidency for thing he said or wrote. He was flawed, but are not we all? I would hope that people do not let the pendulum swing the other way and become highly critical/judgemental of the Church and it's leaders. There is a balance between the Telestial Church and the transition to Terrestrial. Accept the doctrines of the Terrestrial, but I would advise against speaking against those the Lord has chosen to lead His Terrestrial Church. There is always a perfect balance. It is always centered in Charity, the pure love of Christ.

      “Judge not unrighteously, that ye be not judged; but judge righteous judgment” (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 7:2)

    2. Unknown, what are you even talking about?? Elder McConkie was one of those that taught "fringe doctrines" at that time because it WAS doctrine. The saints were not ready for it and other mysteries of the kingdom and so McConkie was pulled back at a time when the Lord directed his church to go back to basics. Ever notice how more and more was being revealed and understood and clarified, but then starting in the late 70's, all of a sudden it stopped. Books were pulled from shelves, the First Presidency was directed to focus on what was taught in the scriptures ONLY. We are now afraid of our own shadow when it comes to discussing "fringe doctrine". That's been evident when I mentioned a doctrine that had been taught back then, and I get someone ( least one....) who speaks up and corrects me, saying that we are told to only teach from scriptures and what the prophets have taught, like in conference. I love the embarrassed look on their face when I state that it was taught by Joseph Smith.
      Do not be scared to speak up to discuss things. We're all here to learn. Stretch your learning and questions by asking and listening. Let the Spirit guide you as you hear truths (or opinion), but open your minds and be willing to grow in knowledge!

    3. I meant to say "against those the Lord has chosen to lead His Telestial Church"

  2. Thank you Eric! Excellent articulation of what has occurred and what is occurring. Many people have no idea about the ascension of individuals, because the training of these people is happening quietly through the Spirit of the Lord.

    There are just a few messengers such as you, Julie and a couple others who are bringing understanding to this fringe doctrine. Thank you for fulfilling your roll in this matter.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Fascinating! I am intrigued by the roles of King, priest, prophet, and witness in each dispensation. How did you go about determining who fulfilled those roles in the current dispensation? Thank you so much for all of your research and study

  4. Excellent post, Eric. It’s definitely a helpful tool for me as a visual learner. I appreciate the truth and insights you share on your blog and also the time and dedication you put into the research you do. I know you are inspired. You’re a great example of one who loves the Lord with all his heart, might, mind and strength. I am printing this and putting it in my scriptures, thank you.

  5. Absolutely Brilliant!!
    Through the years of listening to You and Julie, I've been building an putting on my armour of truth. This just helped finish, and put the sword of truth in my hands!!
    Thankyou!! God bless you my brother in the Lord!! My prayers are always with You and your family, and Julie's as well.

  6. I really enjoy your insights. Thank you. Hope your Thanksgiving Holiday was a happy and safe one for you and your family.

  7. Thanks Eric for putting that visual together! It is not difficult to see the fridge doctrine and persecution pattern, but you definitely helped break that down very well.


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