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The Miracle of Learning

As an educator, a learner, and a father, I am often directly involved in one of the most miraculous processes this world has to offer – the process of gaining knowledge. I have observed that every miracle that has ever taken place involved change of some kind, and gaining knowledge is truly a miraculous process (see my blogpost on the power of change).

With regard to the way we seek truth and knowledge, we are all like sailors, crossing the ocean of life in pursuit of a paradise where we can finally rest once we have made the grand discovery. I have this tendency with each new finding of thinking that I have discovered the ultimate location, only to find a better view just around the next corner. How damning to myself it is to think that I have arrived, and how confining it is to the Lord to believe that no greater view could be found anywhere!

I remember thinking to myself in third grade “I understand math, reading, writing, and art – I know everything!” In my mind I had arrived at the harbor of intellectual knowledge, and there were no more harbors to be found. As the next level of math and language soon came along I was reminded how little I knew and had to humble myself in order to progress.

And so the process has repeated itself a thousand times since – just when I think I know it all, something comes my way to show me how limited I am in my understanding, whether secular or spiritual. I believe this is why Alma said in effect that it is better to humble ourselves, rather than being humbled (Alma 32).

Just as nothing is as miraculous and joyous to me as gaining knowledge, nothing is so equally frustrating and damning by contrast than stagnation; complacency; the sense of having arrived; or as the scriptures put it, those who are  “at ease in Zion” (Amos 6:1; 2 Nephi 28:24). The problem with this socio-graphic is they are so content in their paradigm that they are unwilling to admit they could possibly be one of those kind of people. To my reader I ask you to ask yourself the following: Could I be at ease in my gospel understanding? Could there be more light and truth that would disrupt my comfort if I heard it? Do I think I have all the knowledge of the gospel? Do I restrict the Lord’s ability to speak truth to my heart in any way He sees fit?

2017 was a year I will forever remember as the year I gained more eternal knowledge than any other year of my life; which as might be expected, came through more trying circumstances than any other year. Unfortunately, the lessons were far too personal to reveal here, but I wish I could shout the knowledge I’ve gained from the rooftops. I believe I will have that opportunity one day.

But there is a lesson I can share. I found myself in a mode of spiritual arrogance, where I had essentially been telling the Lord in my prayers that I love truth, I am ready for more, any, or all of it, and as soon as He was willing to give it to me. He had a perfect plan in mind to give me the knowledge I sought with a side of humility. Practically overnight I found my prayers changed to “Please don’t show me any more – it is more than I can bear.”

The loving message that flowed into my heart and mind was “Be humble, patient, and believing. I will give you what you need when it is the best time for you.” I struggled for months, and at times wanted my life to end. But having waded through the difficulty of the new knowledge, I am eternally grateful for the knowledge, and would never give it, nor the trials that came with it, back!

Now, I find myself in the middle of the new trial of wanting to share the beautiful truths I’ve learned with others, but am constrained by the spirit to do so. Anytime I attempt to share my knowledge I find myself in the first row seat observing comments that resemble my third grade perspective, essentially telling me they have learned to read and write and there’s nothing left to learn; their harbor is perfect the way it is, and there can be no better harbor. Adding insult to injury, they’ll say in effect: ‘and knowledge like that shouldn’t be coming to you anyway’, or ‘not in that manner’.

I am left marveling at Heavenly Father’s infinite wisdom and mercy that He will give knowledge to those who are obedient, and believing. I marvel in the way He can miraculously change my heart, and hope He can perform another miracle in others, so we may all be instructed, edified, and rejoice in the miracle of learning together (Doctrine and Covenants 50:22).


  1. One can clearly see from your insights that your "cup overfloweth." Thanks for sharing your profound spiritual whisperings.

  2. Thanks Eric, I respect your enthusiasm for Gods greatness, yet your calming energy and self control in sharing your sacred experiences until you know it is the time and place. I have learned that on a one on one basis I can judge if the person can handle it and if it would glorify God and help them take the next step in their progression then the Lord encourages me to share. If not He will give that quiet feeling (if we are listening) that we need to keep it to ourselves. I have found if I share and feel like someone needs to praise me and tell me they believe me, then I may have been sharing for the wrong reasons. I have found journaling to be an amazing way I can work through my sacred thoughts. It is also how I receive revelation. I know the prophets of old did not leave all their sacred experiences for the public to inherit, judge and discuss. It can cause more harm then help for those who are not at that spiritual understanding. I was inspired by the Lord to burn/destroy my journals that were past the basic doctrines of the gospel. It was like with the stones and the brother of Jared. The Lord listened and guided me but I had to come up with the way in which to solve my problem, then ask if He agrees and supports the decision. He gave me an image of Nephi, Lehis son and Jospeh Smith feeling the same way that they couldn’t let others read and see all they were given, so they had to solve that problem. I know Joseph Smith asked all his wives not to record anything related to plural marriage for the purpose of less rumors and false doctrines being put in history. Sometimes I will just write my prayers on my note pad on my phone and then receive a flow of revelation as I type, then I delete it. I wish I could keep all that info because it’s sooo good! But I understand it’s dangerous in the wrong eyes and minds so I have complete faith it’s been recorded in the heavens and will be put to use when I need to apply the lessons I learned from it. When something related to that revelation comes up in my life the Holy Ghost will bring the former knowledge to my remeberence. The scriptures use the word remember so often. I think the Lord wants us to have the ability to remember anything we have learned so we can be useful tools in recalling the knowledge when it’s needed to build His kingdom. I was told to keep that information for myself and encourage others to seek the knowledge. I’m finding a balance of what to say to others about what I know and my daily experiences through the veil. I think sharing questions I have asked the Lord is a good way to share because then the person can ask the same question and have their own witness. I am 31 and know my generation of Lds is being weeded out( D&C 86) because those who lived on borrowed light gave into to Satan’s tricks to sell themselves short. Those who had their own burn strong as lights on a hill. (Matt 5:14-16) I believe if we give all the answers away it takes away from their opportunity to gain that relationship with Father in heaven which starts and feeds their own light.

  3. I am overwhelmed and excited with how much I am learning and how much I have realized there is to learn. Thanks for your insight.

  4. The day is not far distant when the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord. I look forward to this time when we will be free to share all that we know with like minded friends, family, neighbors, and strangers. I am confident that when the Lord gathers His people, He will feed them knowledge, even hidden treasures of knowledge. Until that day, thank you for sharing what little morsels you can.

  5. Eric, I have loved listening to your thoughts on the Julie Rowe Show and have greatly appreciated what you have shared on your blog post. After listening to the April 2018 General Conference this past weekend I am excited for the road ahead. I know the Lord has so much more to share with me that I need to work (and ask for) to obtain. There is much to be done on the road ahead and I am hoping for and looking for greater faith, light, and knowledge!


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