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Showing posts from December, 2017

What Would Isaiah Say?

As I consider the times in which we live, I find myself wondering what the prophets of old are thinking as they are surely watching many of their prophecies in the process of fulfillment. What would they say if they were among us? Here are some possibilities: Wo unto you Scribes, Pharisees, Hypocrites - who share not your riches with the poor, supposing they hath brought their circumstances upon themselves, and judgment has been dealt fairly upon them. Are ye not all beggars before me, and have ye not brought upon you your own condemnation through your sins? Wo unto you Hypocrites - who despise men which defile their outward appearance with tattoos and piercings, while ye defile yourselves with lusts, pornography, and unrighteous judgments. Know ye that I the Lord looketh not on the outward appearance, but upon the heart? Wo unto you Hypocrites - who claim to be the children of many generations of Saints in the Restoration. Are ye counted righteous because of their sacri...