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Showing posts from October, 2019

The Church of the Firstborn

There have been a few transitional times in the history of the Lord's church upon the earth which I feel are calling for more attention. These were times when the revealed church became fulfilled, and a new church with elevated laws and understanding was born. Exploring these transitional periods can shed light on the Lord's great desire to elevate His children and bring them home. The most notable church transition occurred between Judaism which was revealed by Jehovah unto Moses, and that earliest form of religion we have come to think of as Christianity given by Jesus Christ. Both churches, though now altered from their original purity, continue to operate simultaneously. Both contain principles, rites, rituals, and doctrines that at one point were revealed to man directly from heaven, though once again, many of those practices have been altered from their original form. In the early 1800's the Lord saw fit once more to initiate an upgrade to His church , which I tak...