Word studies are thrilling for me. I feel like a single word has the potential of unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge ( Colossians 2:3 ; Doctrine and Covenants 89:19 ). I really enjoy finding those words which have evolved over the centuries and now have nearly the opposite meaning they once had. Hidden within those words is something the adversary no doubt recognizes as a threat to his plan, and thus is an important part of Father’s plan. Consider for example the words "prophet", or "prophetess" and adversary's intentions to minimize their sacred roles on earth. Worldly views, as demonstrated in media, represent prophets as crazy men dressed in tattered robes, with unkempt hair, and shouting doom and gloom from street corners. The prophetess is portrayed as a woman with a crystal ball, burning incense, and often using demonic voices. Hardly the kinds of people I would follow, and very different from how I imagine Moses, Isaiah, or Hulda, for exampl...
"If you want to enjoy exquisitely... then live the doctrine of Jesus Christ” (Brigham Young - Journal of Discourses, 18:247)